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The Underground Railroad?

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Q: What is the name of the us railroad system?
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What is the name of the system that helped slaves escape and gain their freedom?

In the US it was called the Underground Railroad

What was the first railroad system in the us?

the silk road

What was the name of the violent strike In US in 1877?

The Railroad Strike.

What is name of the longest transportation system in the world?

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What is the name of the longest transportation system in the world?

Trans-Siberian Railroad

What name was given to the system of helping slaves escape?

The Underground Railroad which was invented in part by Herriet Tubman.

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What year did most slaves escape the underground railroad?

The Underground Railroad was the name given to the system by which escaped slaves from the South were helped in their flight to the North. It is believed that the system started in 1787. The Underground Railroad was at its height between 1850 and 1860.

What was the name of the system that helped runaway slaves?

The Underground Railroad was the name of the system that helped runaway slaves escape to freedom in the northern states and Canada. It was a network of routes and safe houses operated by abolitionists and sympathetic individuals.

When was Seaboard System Railroad created?

Seaboard System Railroad was created in 1983.

When did Seaboard System Railroad end?

Seaboard System Railroad ended in 1986.

What name was given to escape system used by slaves to find safety in the north?

The underground railroad