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It is not votes, but 3/4 of the 50 states which is 38.

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Q: What is the percentage of votes to ratify an amendment?
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When a state votes to ratify an amendment must the vote be majority or super-majority?

A simple majority of the state legislature suffices to ratify an amendment. However, 3/4 of the state legislatures must ratify it, in order to add it to the constitution.

According to Article 13 of the Articles of Confederation what percentage of votes by the states was required to ratify any amendments?

13% of the votes

What percentage of the states must ratify a constitutional amendment for it to pass?

i think 17

How can an Amendment be prevented from passing?

An amendment can be prevented from passing if it does not get enough votes to be proposed (2/3 of both houses in Congress, through a constitutional convention called by 2/3 state legislatures). If an amendment is proposed it can still be prevented from passing by not getting enough votes ( 3/4 of legislatures in states must ratify, or 3/4 of the states must have individual constitutional conventions to ratify it.)

What fraction of the states must approve a proposed amendment for it to be ratified?

There is not a specific percentage of states that must approve a proposed amendment to the constitution, but a percentage of votes in both the Senate and the House. Two thirds of the votes cast in the senate must be in favor of the new amendment, as well as two thirds of the votes in the House of Representatives.

How many votes where needed from states to ratify constitution?

2/3rds of votes were needed

What is the time liment for states to ratify an amendment?

what is the time limit for states to ratify an amendment

What fraction is ratify a Constutional Amendment?

you need 3/4 of a fraction to be used to ratify a Constitutional Amendment

The only Southern state to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment was?

Tennessee was the only Southern state to ratify the 14th amendment.

The first state to ratify the 13th Amendment to Constitution abolishing slavery?

Illinois was the first state to ratify the 13th Amendment because they wanted Abraham Lincoln's home state to be the first to ratify they amendment.

What percentage of the state legislatures must ratify a proposed amendment before it is added to the constitution?


Which was the only southern state to ratify the fourteenth amendment?

Tennessee was the only Southern state to ratify the 14th amendment.