The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was put in place in order to improve financial acccountability
after the repeal of the sugar and stamp act in the 1700's.
because if they said anything bad or angenst the law the will be put in some place to suffer this place is called jail
So basically the Townshend Acts happened because a general court dude put taxes on many important items the colonists needed to live.
These were some of the items on which duties (taxes) were levied by England on its American colonies.
In bathroom stalls and mirrors at eyelevels Also put them up in common areas like billboards at community centers or highschools, and in parks
The Factory Acts were a series of acts put into place by the Parliament to limit the number of working hours to women and children.
they tried to repeal the acts because they thought that was Boston tea party was good payback for all the taxes put on them for no reason.
they tried to repeal the acts because they thought that was Boston tea party was good payback for all the taxes put on them for no reason.
british agents
they tried to repeal the acts because they thought that was Boston tea party was good payback for all the taxes put on them for no reason.
they tried to repeal the acts because they thought that was Boston tea party was good payback for all the taxes put on them for no reason.
Acts were put in place
Acts were put in place
The Townshend acts were a series of laws started by parliament to raise revenue in the colonies. The acts were started and put into place in 1767.
The Townsend Acts pertained to the British Colonies in 1767 (The entire east coast of North America). The biggest thing you will hear about the Townsend Acts is the Boston Tea Party, which was a boycott of the restriction put in place by the Townsend Acts.
The Intolerable Acts were passed. These acts were put in place in order for the colonists to pay back for all th tea dumped.