The most important role of a US Senator is to represent the people that elected them. Additional roles include being members of a political party, writing and passing laws, approving presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with other countries.
The US senator's name was Joseph McCarthy. The Red Scare is also known as McCarthyism.
Senator Lodge
Shriley Chisholm
Henry clay, US senator from Kentucky
Joseph Mcarthy
Senator William Fulbright of Arkansas challenged the testimony of administration officials in televised Senate hearings on Vietnam. Scientist petitioned the President to stop using Napalm and Agent Orange.
A senator represents the entire state
He was the junior senator from Illinois.
A US senator represents his state.
Andrew Johnson was a US Senator from TN and went on to be US president. Jefferson Davis was Us Senator from Miss. and went on to be Confederate president.
A U.S. Senator has more power.
Senator Doe,
No, Pelosi is a Congresswoman.
The minimum age of a US senator is 30 ears old.
A naturalized citizen can be a US Senator, although not the US President.
bill Nelson was selected US. senator
checks on the government by scrutinising bills.