The second continental congress took place on May 10, 1775, in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.
The Second Continental Congress took place from 1775 to 1781. During this time the Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence were adopted.
The Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army.
The First Continental Congress originally called for peace. When peace was not possible a declaration of war was issued and a declaration of independence.
John Dickinson, a Founding Father, called for a resolution in the Second Continental Congress for Independence from Britain.
The second Continental Congress played a significant role in the history of the formation of the United States. They asked the colonies to sign the Articles of Confederation which lead the writing of the Constitution.
benedict arnold
Second Continental Congress
The newly formed congress first convenes on January 3rd.
Second Continental Congress was created in 1775.
The second continental congress created the National Government.
Who was the largest delegate at the second continental congress
The Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army.
John Hancock was President of the Second Continental Congress.
The Second continental congress was held at Philidelphia, Pensylvania! (-:
to configurate
There were no loyalists in the 2nd continental congress
the second continental congress took place in philadelpia
John Hancock served as the President of the Second Continental Congress, and was sent to the Congress by the state of Massachusetts as a delegate.