The term blacklist comes from the days of slavery. If you are not allowed into areas that white folks gather, like restaurants, theater, events, because the person is black in color, then the person has been "blacklisted" meaning, not allowed entry in.
The HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) used Hollywood Blacklist (the movie industry) to fight the supposed communists.
The Significance of the Frontier in American History was created in 1893.
Recently blacklist college
You can't - unless you have your own personal blacklist.
There is no such thing as a college blacklist.
The ISBN of Blacklist - novel - is 0399150854.
The blacklist shattered the careers of the entertainment figures who were on it.
One can get the spam blacklist from the following spam blacklist providers online; spam and virus firewall on Barracuda Networks, The spam house project and Blacklist Compared site.
I'm sorry sir but you are on the blacklist. You cannot come in.A blacklist is a group of people who are banned from entering something.
Blacklist - novel - has 448 pages.
The blacklist shattered the careers of the entertainment figures who were on it --Novenet
Jack's repayment history was so bad, his name was added to a blacklist for credit reference agencies.
Blacklist - novel - was created on 2003-09-29.
Welcome to the Blacklist Club was created in 2009.