the change in democracy between the two periods shows that it is a process
In the 19th century, the supreme test of democracy in America was the Civil War. As it turned out, the Civil War was a big ideological victory for democracy.
Use of initiatives had the effect of allowing direct democracy.
They showed The split in the Democratic Party.
Ancient Greece was actually the first place to make a democracy. The United States later modeled their government after that.
for from and by the people
it was a symbol of seperation between comunism and democracy
The best symbol Democracy in the 1820s was Andrew Jackson. That's if you think forcing Native Americans on death marches is more noble than emancipating slaves.
Often used as a symbol of unionism by the various trade unions and more generally as a symbol of non-conformity and for democracy.
because the wall was a symbol of the division between communism and democracy
Many consider Cory Aquino the symbol of democracy.
The donkey party logo is a symbol for the Democratic Party.
because the wall was a symbol of the division between communism and democracy
The torch is a symbol of enlightenment. The Statue of Liberty's torch lights the way to freedom showing us the path to Liberty.
It was a gift of friendship from France to the United States and is a symbol of freedom and democracy.
The word "republic" refers to a government that is elected by the people, a democracy. The flag is a symbol of the United States, so those who say the pledge are promising they will give their loyalty (allegiance) to this country and to the democracy that it embodies.