Congress changed government policy with the Dawes Act in 1887. The law aimed to eliminate what Americans regarded as the two weaknesses of Native American life: the lack of private property and the nomadic tradition. The Dawes Act proposed to break up the reservations at the end identification with the tribal group. Each Native American would receive a plot of reservation land. The goal was to encourage native peoples to become farmers and, eventually, American citizens. Native American children would be sent to white-run boarding schools. Some of the reservations lands would be sold to support the schooling. Over the next 50 years, the government divided up the reservations. Speculators acquired most of the valuable land. native American often received dry, gravelly plots that were not suited to farming. The Dawes Act changed forever the Native Americans way of life and weakened their cultural traditions. in their despair the Sioux turned in 1890 to Wovoka, a prophet. Wovoka claimed that the Sioux could regain their former greatness if they performed a ritual known as the Ghost dance. the Ghost Dance was a way for the Sioux to express their culture that was being destroyed. As the ritual spread, reservations officials became alarmed and decided to ban the dance.Believing that their chief, Sitting Bull, was the leader of the movement,police went to his camp to arrest him. During a scuffle, the shot Sitting Bull.
The Indians disliked living on government reservations because it was not their way of living, There was a lot of hostilities during the late 1800's between the Indians and the US government, The US government wanted to keep track of the Indians and their movement, so most of the plains Indians were forced into living on Government owned land (The Reservations) One of the main reasons for the US governments suspicion against the Indians was the Ghost Dance created by the Sioux Indian Wovoka. Ghost Dances were carried out at the government reservations, and the Indians believed that the sacred Ghost Dance would bring their ancestors back to life and the plains back to how it used to be. Another reason for the Plains Indians not liking the Reservations is the fact that the Indians could not run their lives on how they wanted it to be, the Indians didn't have their traditional lifestyle, and were often forced to act more like one of the white men and some were even educated in the white man's way of life. The Indians were basically being told how to live their life's and did not have the freedom they were used to on the Plains. The Indians Nomadic way of life was also connected to their beliefs about land, they believed land was provided by the Great spirit for all living creatures to share. Therefore they believed no one should ever live permanently on one piece of land because they would be claiming it for themselves.
November 1876The US Army began winter campaigns against the Sioux, starving them into surrender. Colonel Mackenzie destroyed Dull Knife's Cheyenne camp - driving the Cheyenne into the hills to survive the winter without any food. January 1877Chief Sitting Bull fled to Canada. He joined a Wild West show, but eventually returned to join the reservation. October 1877Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé tribe tried to flee to Canada, but was intercepted. "I will fight no more forever". he vowed. 1879Richard Pratt opened the first boarding school for Native American children. 1879The Sioux were given cattle and forced to become cattle-herders. 1881 (-1887)Geronimo led a series of rebellions by the Apache warriors, but eventually had to surrender and become a vegetable farmer. 1883The Bureau of Indian Affairs issued the Code of Religious Offences, banning Native American religious customs such as the Sun Dance. 1887The Dawes Act divided the Native American reservations between the different families. 1889The Oklahoma Land Run. The government split 2 million acres of former 'Indian territory' into 160 acre plots, and people had to race to claim a plot. The race began at noon on 22 April 1889 and by next day all the land was claimed. 1890A medicine man called Wovoka started a Ghost Dance - although it was peaceful, the Army, fearing a rebellion, tried to arrest Sitting Bull, who was taking part (he was killed during the attempt). Then when Sioux Chief Big Foot, trying to avoid the trouble, led his people to Wounded Knee Creek, they were massacred by the US Army.
Wovoka - album - was created in 1974-02.
A Paiute prophet
the ghost dance
because he was the leader of the ghost dance.
the ghost dance
Because he wanted advice concerning Cochise.
It rounded up the followers of Wovoka so it will be a bigger nation put together. This is the correct answer and i have proof if you want proof type in a question you have always wanted to ask somebody then go all the way to the bottom and click on answer it then type in the ANSWER then press SPELL CHECK, save and move on! Thank you for your time
Frank Jaramillo, a musician known for his work with the band Wovoka, passed away on January 6, 2017.
The Ghost Dance started with the Paiute spiritual leader Wovoka. Some historians believe the dance started before that and that Wovoka elevated it to a religious movement. By 1889, conditions on the reservations had deteriorated to such a degree that the Ghost Dance, if properly performed, would bring back the spirits of the dead to help the people fight their enemies. Although, as with all American Indian ceremonies, the Ghost Dance was banned, it spread as an underground movement throughout the west. As the dance spread and hope within the Indian nations grew, other tribes took portions of the dance and incorporated their own spiritual beliefs and traditions.