white man sufferage
Woman's sufferage
The women suffrage is when women could not do many things because the boys thought they were wimpy.
It means that all men that are legally adults in their area, usually over the age of 18, are allowed to cast their vote in elections.
Universal Sufferage
What is the factors for granting Adult Sufferage in the West Indies in 1945
The developement of universal sufferage of white manhood.
It called for: Equality before the law Universal Sufferage Free Education Except National Religion.
This term means literally that everybody can vote. Practically it means all adult citizens who are not barred from voting by past crimes can vote provided they are properly registered to vote.
In 1954 we(Belize ) gained universal adult suffrage
give names of countries when the universal adult franchise was given to them?
Universal Adult Franchise means that all adults in the country had right to vote
adult suffrage is when people have the right to vote
Universal Adult Suffrage was granted to Jamaicans in 1944 (Act was passed then). P.V.M
universal adult franchise