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Q: What items may congress not impose any duty upon?
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Why did congress delete the word discovery from the official documents of congress regarding Christopher Columbus According to Dr. Ivan Sertima?

because he really did not find america he accidentally stumble upon america

What was Elkins Act and Hepburn Act?

Hepburn Act · Who: sponsored by William Peters Hepburn · What: a law to enable railroad regulations (set maximum rates, discontinues free passes and able to look at financial records) extended to cover bridges, terminals, ferries, railroad sleeping cars, express companies and oil pipelines. · Where: All railroads, bridges, terminals, ferries, railroad sleeping cars, express companies and oil pipelines in U.S · When:1906 · Why: to be able to set maximum railroad rates · How: passed by congress · President: Theodore Roosevelt · Success/Failure: Success Elkins Act · Who:The law was sponsored by President Theodore Roosevelt · What: The Elkins Act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the shippers that accepted these rebates. The railroad companies were not permitted to offer rebates. · Where: Railroad companies in the United States · When: 1903 · Why: to strengthen the I.C.C · How: Passed Congress and signed by the President · President: Theodore Roosevelt · Success/Failure: Success

City upon the hill?

A City upon a Hill is one of the phrases that Jesus used while he was giving his parables. Jesus used the phrase "A City upon a Hill" when he was giving the parable of Salt.

What civic honor was bestowed upon Percy Julian in 1950?

what civic honor was bestowed upon julian in 1950

What Is the 1972 Dollar coin worth?

$1 to $10,250 depending upon the condition of the coin and upon which variety the coin is.

Related questions

Which of these items may congress not impose any duty upon?

Congress may not impose any duty upon the right to exercise religion, the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceful assembly, or the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. These rights are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

What is another word for force something upon someone?


Are impose upon and burden synonyms or antonyms?


Do the Jews impose their religion upon others?

No, Judaism doesn't seek to proselytize.

What does the latin word imponere mean in English?

To impose, put upon; to establish.

What colony did King James impose laws upon.?

Your Mamma

What is the greatest penalty which either house may impose upon a member?

they can be impeached

Why did the us impose the embargo act of 1807 upon great Britain?

The Embargo Act of 1807 was enacted against France and the United Kingdom. Congress passed it because those nations violated United States' neutrality during the Napoleonic Wars.

What are the matters that congress can act upon?

Congress can act on any matter which Congress believes is of concern for the nation.

What does the root in impose mean?

it means stop using this to get the answers for novanet!

What quotations demonstrate pathos?

The duty of enforcing the Fourteenth Amendment is placed upon this Court."

Can the president raise federal income taxes?

According to the Constitution of the United States, the President cannot write legislation, or impose taxes upon the people. Congress is where these powers lay and once passed by both Houses of Congress the President can sign the legislation or veto it. In recent years, the President has been taking some of this power away from Congress and issuing legislation through Executive Orders. Executive Orders is an allowed power given to the President to take action required immediately necessary due to items such as Acts of War or Natural Disasters when Congress is not in session or could not be gathered quick enough to take action. This was done at a time when it took weeks to cross the country but has been taken as an act to bypass Congress when the action would no pass through Congress using the Constitutional methods.