the job he always wanted to do was to be a lawyer. he grew up being a lawyer. he did it on and off.
Lincoln's first paying job was bringing cargo up and down the Mississippi river. (He previously worked on the family farm but was not paid for the work.)
His family moved to Indiana in December of 1816, so he was 7 years old.
George Washington's first career was a surveyor
There is no hard evidence that Lincoln every uttered these words, but people do say that he said them. What is means is to try be good at whatever you do. It is like the boy scout motto, "Do your best". Do a good job at whatever you are doing.
It never did. The newly-formed Confederacy could claim that it didn't want a war. Lincoln could not declare war on the Confederacy without recognising it as a sovereign nation. All he could do was to announce that he was putting down a rebellion of certain of his own states, and that he would need volunteer troops to do the job. That is how the war started.
he always wanted to have a job as a lawyer that is what he said from the time he was very little
Abe Lincoln had a job that i no of it was running a store
Not necessarily.
It's always possible to get a job.. but probably not the job you want.
His first proper job that paid decently was being a store clerk or assistant.
The cast of Hipster Job - 2009 includes: Will Malone as Skateboard Executive 2 Mara Palumbo Capps as Astrid Savith Sampath as God Mike Stockman as Job Liz Toonkle as Stylist David Uscinski as Satan Jessica Wahlstrom as Skateboard Executive 1 Tony Wolf as Naked Abe Lincoln
Well, honey, Abraham Lincoln always wanted to be a lawyer. He was a smart cookie and had a way with words, so lawyering suited him just fine. And we all know how that turned out - he became the 16th President of the United States. Not too shabby for a guy with a dream and a law degree.
Abraham Lincoln was PRESIDENT.... DUUHH
to be free. do you want your government always telling you where you live, what job you have, how you spend you money? not many people do, with freedom you can do whatever you want