yes he enjoyed it very much
The election of Lincoln caused the southern states to hold their own independent election. This was done in opposition of Abraham Lincoln being the president of the United States.
Abraham Lincoln changed millions of people's lives while president. The most obvious being that he was a major reason African Americans were freed from slavery due to his emancipation proclamation enacted during the American Civil War.
Before being elected to the office of President, Abraham Lincoln served in both the state and national House of Representatives. Prior to his career in politics, Lincoln had success in banking and commerce.
No, when the first states seceded, both President Buchanan and President-Elect Lincoln announced that they could not legally do that.
He didn't do anything besides lying in a cold grave. He was shot & killed in while he was watching a play and still in office.
From March 14,1861 to April 15,1865 Abraham Lincoln was the president of United States of America
Um he died in office
Abraham Lincoln's job was being a lawyer
Theodore Roosevelt, as he was sworn in as president in 1905, wore a ring which not only had belonged to Abraham Lincoln but was being worn by President Lincoln at the time of his death.
yes he enjoyed it very much
Being a president and disbanding slavery.
The Vice President, Andrew Johnson.
its honoring because of abraham lincoln the sixteenth president
Former President Abraham Lincoln died from being shot in the head. Shooter John Wilkes Booth wanted to revive the Confederate cause.
he stopped being a lawyer in 2009