In the 1300s, most people were farmers. Other serfs or working people included carters, porters, carpenters' and masons' helpers, fishers, the serf officers of manors, such as reeves, gatekeepers, herdsmen, sailors, miners, people who worked in quarries, servants, and so on.
Contrary to the impression you might get from reading history books, there were always middle class people in the Middle Ages; they just were not particularly numerous in the Early Middle Ages. They included independent bakers, butchers, masons, carpenters, chandlers, armorers, metal workers, independent blacksmiths, workers in fine leather, weavers of fine fabrics, tailors of fine clothes, merchants of all sorts of goods, jewelers, independent scribes, and people who made the prepared meals most townspeople ate.
Many were soldiers for at least part of their lives.
There were many monks and nuns, in addition to the priests who lived in nearly every village.
There were nobles and their stewards, and a variety of government officials.
There were many other types of jobs.
People were farmers (only for themselves NOT cash crops), whalers, blacksmiths, fisherman, and ship builders.
they had farming
bad people and children had a hard time living their lives and lost their jobs cause there wasn't enough money
Shoemakers, farmers, and seamstresses were some of the common jobs in the 1600's in England. Other jobs that were common were blacksmiths, bakers, and livery stable workers.
Shoemakers, farmers, and seamstresses were some of the common jobs in the 1600's in England. Other jobs that were common were blacksmiths, bakers, and livery stable workers.
Well, honey, in the 1600s in Rhode Island, folks were busy with jobs like farming, fishing, shipbuilding, trading, and some were even dabbling in piracy. It was a real mixed bag of occupations back then, but one thing's for sure, they were working hard to make a living in those colonial days.
Most people in France in the 1600s worked as farmers. Some people worked as fishmongers, tailors, blacksmiths, shoemakers, and inn keepers.
to work in the Field
they rape
Because England have better jobs than Polish People
farming and lumbering
Some jobs people living in London in the 1600's performed included butchers, bakers, and doctors. During this time, most people had specific trades they specialized in rather than performing many different types of jobs.
Too many.
Fur Trappers, Lumer shipping, and Slave trading were popular jobs back in the 1600-1700s. - Baylee S.
McDonalds, Kay Jewelers, and Strickland Propane were all common jobs.