they had symbolism art and there were a lot of small animals in each painting
They were exposed for the first time to some kinds of sicknesses. This then spread.
the went kakakakakakakak
Although there was plenty of game along the coast the terrain was so rugged that it was very difficult to hunt land animals; sea mammals and fish provided most of the meat. Fruit and roots were additional foods only available at certain times of year; indigenous fruits included the bitter cherry, black hawthorn, Pacific crabapple, bald hip rose, black cap raspberry, black gooseberry, blue elderberry, huckleberry, highbush cranberry (mooseberry), indian plum (osoberry), low Oregon grape, red elderberry, red huckleberry, flowering currant, salmonberry, serviceberry (Juneberry), snowberry, thimbleberry, beach strawberry, bunchberry, bearberry.
the two victories were, victory over racism at home(the U.S) and victory over fascism abroad.
what is Kwakiutl`s transportation?canoes and foot
Tribes of the cold Northwest built big wooden plank homes. They faced the sea.
hunting and gathering
hunting and gathering
hunting and gathering
what kinds of buildings did the yamasee native american live in
They were exposed for the first time to some kinds of sicknesses. This then spread.
what kinds of plants are there on the pacific region
Salmon, abundant in the wild streams and rivers of the Pacific Northwest, were the most important food source for the Chinook. Men used pointed spears to impale the salmon. The women of the tribe would cut them up and dry them. The Chinook also hunted for rabbitt, deer, and elk, and gathered berries, weeds, roots, and plant bulbs. They also took some marine animals such as clams and mussels. Unlike other northwest coast tribes, the Chinook rarely hunted sea mammals such as whales and seals.
Attractions in the Northwest Territories Includes arts, culture, nature, sports and outdoors.
The Cherokee Indians did many different kinds of work. These natives were responsible for hunting, gathering, and many sorts of medical work.
crow indians beliefs, religions and culture