Between the atlantic coastal plainer the piedmont.the piedmont stretches across the middle colonies and part of the southern colonies
New England colonies, middle colonies, southern colonies and backcountry
There were a lot of loyalists living in the backcountry of Georgia and South Carolina
Back Country
I don't know, go ask someone else!
I think that it was more important because they can band together when danger threatens. They also help families to deal with the dangers and problems of the Backcountry.
it was colder in the backcountry
New England colonies, middle colonies, southern colonies and backcountry
new england colonies
*The backcountry was located to the west of the original 13 colonies*i balieve somewhere near Idaho or south of Florida but im not sure
I don't know, go ask someone else!
the new England coloniesthe middle coloniesand the southern colonies
Back Country
Some important landforms in the middle colonies include the Appalachian Mountains, which run through parts of Pennsylvania and New York, the Hudson River Valley in New York, and the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. These landforms played a key role in shaping the geography and economy of the middle colonies.
There were a lot of loyalists living in the backcountry of Georgia and South Carolina