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Poor people couln't vote because they would not be able to afford the tax.

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Q: What might have happened if the poll tax had not been abolished?
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Which amendment prohibits poll taxes?

The 24th amendment.The 24th Amendment, ratified in 1964, reflecting a political compromise, abolished the use Suttles, and extended the prohibition of poll taxes to state elections.

The twenty fourth amendment made the poll tax unconstitutional what was the poll tax and what do you think might have happended if the poll tax had not been abolished?

The poll tax was enacted, primarily in the South, to force people to pay a tax to be allowed to vote. Most people agree that this was a legislated form of racism, as it resulted in preventing poor African-Americans from being allowed to vote because they could not afford the poll tax. Of course, it also meant that the poor of any race could not afford to vote.

The 24th amendment abolished what?

The Twenty-fourth Amendment (Amendment XXIV) prohibits both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax.

When did Poll Tax Riots happen?

Poll Tax Riots happened in 1990.

Why was poll tax abolished?

Poll taxes were meant to keep former slaves, who previously had no right to vote, from voting. Because most former slaves were not very wealthy, they could not afford to pay, while more affluent white men could. It was abolished as part of the Civil Rights amendments to the Constitution to ensure voting rights.

Poll tax what amendment?

The 24th amendment.The 24th Amendment, ratified in 1964, reflecting a political compromise, abolished the use Suttles, and extended the prohibition of poll taxes to state elections.

What poll taxes?

A poll tax was an amount of money that a person was forced to pay in order to vote. After the Civil War in the South, poll tax laws were created in order to prevent freed slaves from voting, as they did not have much money. They were, of course, eventually abolished.

What are poll taxes?

A poll tax was an amount of money that a person was forced to pay in order to vote. After the Civil War in the South, poll tax laws were created in order to prevent freed slaves from voting, as they did not have much money. They were, of course, eventually abolished.

What legal action eliminated the poll tax?

The Poll Tax was abolished by the 24th Amendment to the U.S Constitution. The Poll Tax was a tax that citizens paid prior to voting. Often, the tax was used to prevent to the poor from voting, as they could not afford the tax.

What law abolished segregation?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (brought by JFK, but signed by LBJ) abolished segregation in public accommodations; Voting Rights Act of 1965, signed by LBJ, abolished unfair voting practices (too many to name); and the 24th Amendment, which abolished the poll tax on voting the year before (1964).

What is a poll vote?

A poll is just to determine public opinion & which way an election might go.

Give an example of poll tax?

A poll tax was a tax that was paid by people that voted. This type of tax was put into place when slavery was abolished. The thinking was that this tax would defer people from voting.