Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948) The foremost political leader of the Indian independence movement.
Simon Bolivar was the famous Venezuelan general who organized and led military forces to free the northern portion of South America from Spanish rule in the early nineteenth century. He is the leader who is being referred to when Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's current president refers to when talking about the Bolivarian revolution he hopes to bring to Latin American countries today.
Meriwether Lewis was the leader of an expedition into the Northern part of the Louisiana territory. The expedition was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederacy (aka Confederate States of America, or CSA); General Robert E. Lee was leader of the Confederate military.
A war between the Americans and British in 1775-1783. The Colonists were fighting for freedom on the new world(America). The Colonists (America) won the war by having a good leader, hope, and a defensive method to keep their troops alive. It is the war that that had the 13 colonies gain their independence from England.
Simon Bolivar
Santa Anna was the military leader captured by the Texan army.
Simón Bolivar
Simon Bolivar was a political and military leader. He played a key role in Latin America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire.
Simon Bolivar was a South American Military and political leader. He played the central role in gaining independence for Latin America from Spanish rule. He is also credited with instituting democracy in Latin America by founding Gran Columbia. This state included the territories of present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, northern Peru, western Guyana and northwest Brazil, Bolivar was its president from 1819 to 1830.
Simon bolivar
Simon Bolivar was a South American Military and political leader. He played the central role in gaining independence for Latin America from Spanish rule. He is also credited with instituting democracy in Latin America by founding Gran Columbia. This state included the territories of present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, northern Peru, western Guyana and northwest Brazil, Bolivar was its president from 1819 to 1830.
Grant became the greatest northern general who defeated Lee.
The most important leader of independence movements in Latin America was Simon Bolivar.
Jefferson Davis was the leader of The Confederate States of America
Candragupta Maurya