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August 26,1620 or August 6,1620

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Q: What month did the pilgrims come to America?
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What month did the pilgrims land in America?

The Pilgrims landed in America in the month of thanks giving.

What year did the pilgrims first come to America?

The Pilgrims came to America almost 400 years ago.

Did cats really come to America with the pilgrims?


What was the name of the ship that the pilgrims used to come to america?

the Mayflower

What day did the pilgrims come to America?

November 21, 1620

Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans come to America?

In short, for religious freedom.

When did house first come to America?

I believe it was in the year 1620 when the Pilgrims came to America.

If pilgrimage is to take a journey to a holy place why did the pilgrims come to America?

what do you call a pilgrims journey to a holy place

How did pilgrims and puritians come tot America?

The Pilgrims and 9 or 10 years later, the Puritans, came to what would later be America in small sailing ships.

What year did the pilgrims decide to come to America?

The Pilgrims came to America on November 21, 1620 I would know that because i am still in school and today we had a big thing about it.

Why did the pilgrims come the north America?

The piligrams Came to North America for freedom of religion and a new life.

What year did the piligrams come to America?

The Pilgrims arrived on November 21, 1620.