Richard Spikes birth month and day is unknown. It is only known that he was born in 1884 in California.
Richard Spikes was an African-American inventor created with inventing the turn signal and the beer keg tap. Not a lot is known about his personal life except that he was declared legally blind in 1962, the same year he passed away.
Richard Gurley Drew, the inventor of masking tape and cellophane tape was born on June 22, 1899 in St Paul, Minnesota, USA. He died on December 14, 1980.
July 30 1863
Richard Barile is a retired drug trafficker. Here is some info about his life:
Richard B Spikes exact date of birth is not known. He was born in 1884.
june 17th 1980
There are so many places where you can find pictures of Richard Spikes especially on the internet. He was an African-American engineer born in 1884 and died in 1992.
Richard Spikes Died in 1962
It is unknown if Richard Spikes had siblings. He was an African-American engineer.
It is unknown who Richard Spikes parents are. He was the person who invented car washes.
The parents of Richard Spikes is unknown. He is was the guy to invent a car wash.
There is no information available on where Richard Spikes went to school. He is the inventor of the signal light.
he was most likely
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