Progressives undertook religion as a moral crusade. They wanted to reform religious ideals and they made a commitment to protect all lives, even disadvantaged ones.
They organized state by state campaigns to limit womans workdays.
Why were women prominent in the reform crusades of the early nineteenth century? What contributions did they make to social reform? Select three leaders and defend your selection of them as leaders.
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They aimed to reform child labor, workplace conditions, education, and government.
Efforts to better American society through reform, expanded democracy, science, and government regulation. Study Island cheaters rule! ;D woo. You're welcome.
Reform of the government civil service,which had become extremely corrupt during the Presidency of Grant.
I don't know if you consider this a minority group, but African Americans were completely overlooked during the Progressive movement.
I don't know if you consider this a minority group, but African Americans were completely overlooked during the Progressive movement.
Reform Progressive Party was created in 1993.
Territorial expansion was not a target of progressive reform movements.
Progressive Reform Party - South Africa - was created in 1976.
They organized state by state campaigns to limit womans workdays.
Why were women prominent in the reform crusades of the early nineteenth century? What contributions did they make to social reform? Select three leaders and defend your selection of them as leaders.
The reform crusades offered many middle-class women opportunities to escape the confines of home and enter public affairs.
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