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The Temperance Movement addressed urban problems in the late 1800s.

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Q: What movements in the late 1800's addressed urban problems?
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What problems of the new urban-industrial order particularly disturbed progressives and how did they address these problems?

The problems of the new urban-industrial order that particularly disturbed progressives was the fact that monopolies were formed by a few people who controlled a great deal of the industries. The progressives went to Congress to try and have the monopolies broken up.

What specific problems related to lack of urban space?

Nowadays with the increase population in the world and increase demand to facilities. Many of countries tried to solve this problem by eliminate a green space and built plenty of hospitals, houses, universities, and houses. There are several problems is related to a lack of urban space. First of all, it makes hazard for environment by replacement of green space. Second of all, lack of urban space leads to traffic jam. In addition, this problem leads to rise cost of property rent.

Unlike the populists the progressives focused on what?

the urban poor.

Which factors directly contributed to the growth of the steel industry in the late 1800s?

One significant factor that contributed to the enormous industrial boom of the 1900s was government policies that supported business. Another factor was an increasing urban population.

Describe at least three problems or issues created by America's industrial and urban transformation between 1895 and 1930?

three problem that was created in urban transfromation was: 1. all they did fight their selve until Michael Jackson came 2. now all they do is fight other people 3. they had ugly clothes and had ugly faces

Related questions

What were the problems of political corruption and urban growth during the late 1800s?

your mom did it

What did sports and leisure change during the late 1800s?

urban families had more opportunity for diverse leisure activities than did rural families

What were the similarities and differences among the reform movements of the early to mid-1800s?

the similarities and differences of the refrom movement of the early to mid-1800s were similarities:abolitionists belived that slavery should be outlawed

What is the definition of urban problems?

those problems that arive in an urban environment from overcrowding and the too rapid, uncontrolled development of urban areas

What was one result of the large number of immigrants settling in the cities of the north in the mid-1800s?

Problems between cultural groups. (APEX) ;;; JUST GOT IT RIGHT

Compare and contrast the Populist and Progressive movements?

The urban poor.

Which person is most identified with urban social reform in the 1800s?

Jane Adams

What helped drive the trend toward urban living in the 1800s?

the transportation revolution

What is urban and what are urban problems?

"Urban" comes from the Latin word urbs, urbis meaning a city. "Urban" means having to do with cities. "Urban problems" are problems connected with city life: overcrowding, pollution, handling sewage disposal and garbage disposal for such a large number of people all at once.

How did the farmers affect other people in the nation during the late 1800s?

Keith urban

List three urban problems that 18th century Philadelphia and modern cities share?

list of urban problems and how they salvat

The style of urban graffiti that uses spray cans began when and where?

Mexico city, the early 1800s.