They wanted the government to create a graduated income tax. (APEX)
bull moose party
In 1896, they nominated a Democrat, William Jennings Bryan, for president, which lost the Republican and southern Populists. By identifying with many of the ideals of the Democratic Party, they lost most of their their party identity.
the populists demanded for Decreased Immigration in the country.
From Farmers mainly in the Mid-West and West United States. Mainly Kansas,, Colorado, Idaho, and Nevada.
They wanted the direct election of U.S. Senators.
They wanted the government to create a graduated income tax.
Bimetallism and fair food prices
Bimetallism and fair food prices
bull moose party
He supported many Populists policies
Its support for coining silver.
No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.
they wanted the government to create a graduated income tax
Bryan supported many populist reforms