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Franco, who changed his name to Frank so people would think he was a white American

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Q: What person is demonstrating an attempt to assimilate in the dominant culture of the US?
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Which person demonstrating an attempt to assimilate in the dominant culture of the United states?

Franco, who changed his name to Frank so people would think he was a white American

Which person is demonstrating an attempt to assimilate in the dominant culture of the United States?

Franco, who changed his name to Frank so people would think he was a white American

What did the Americanization movement of the early twentieth century seek to do?

assimilate ethnic immigrant groups into the dominant culture

What was the main goal of the Americanization Movement?

To assimilate people of various cultures into the dominant culture.

What was goal of the Americanization movement?

assimilate people of various cultures into a dominant culture.

What minority rights were guaranteed in the BNA act of 1867?

Minorities were expected to live by the will of national or provincial minorities. There would be an attempt to assimilate aboriginal people into the dominant Canadian culture

What did The LULAC wanted Mexican Americans to?

Assimilate into white culture.

What did The LULAC wanted Mexican Americans to do?

assimilate into white culture.

What was the purpose of slaughtering the buffalo?

It was used for food, clothing and shelter for the Plains Tribes of America so slaughtering them would get the tribes to assimilate into the dominant culture at that time.

Why did native born Americans encourage the americanization?

The Americanization movement was design to assimilate people of wide-ranging cultures into the dominant culture

What of the following techniques have actors of color used to assimilate into the dominant culture?

Actors of color in the industry have used various techniques to assimilate into the dominant culture, including changing their appearance (e.g., hair, skin tone), altering their accents, adopting specific roles that adhere to stereotypes, and conforming to cultural norms and expectations prevalent in the industry.

How can families assimilate to a new culture?
