As far as I can tell, this is the goal of the Democrat Party in America! (I do not call it the Democratic Party, because that implies that they are strongly for a democratic form of government, which is not true. They are strongly for Socialism.) There are many wealthy Democrats, and it is only the Democrats who are worthy of being wealthy and in roles of leadership. They definitely want to redistribute all the wealth, but they will carefully ensure that only the democrats are leaders. They seem to think that we are too stupid to be allowed to manage our own money. They have the "cradle to the grave" mentality for all Americans, since we must need the federal government to hold our hands every step of the way through life! The men who fought to establish this country as a federal Republican Democracy (whew!) were brilliant, and extremely hardworking. They all sacrificed so much in order to establish this country for their ancestors, guaranteeing freedom, liberty, and individual rights for everyone. Think about those individual rights for a minute. It is those rights that are almost out of sight now. Think about the latest attack on the individual with the "imminent domain" crap that has been imposed on us. It is now possible for a store chain to take away your property if you are in the way of their profits! I've been tryinig to remember that Louisiana Governor's name all this time! My uncle lived in a suburb of New Orleans, and complained about that man all the time! Was it Huey Long? I think that was the name of the Governor who was so terrible for the state, and probably wanted to tax everything and everybody. I hope you gained something from all of this, though it may not have been what you wanted at all..... Huey Long
Its impossible to give a timeline, the ground work has obviously been laid by the governments of the world through the united nations and earlier the league of nations. while both have been failures they are placing the groundwork for a one world government, most likely in our lifetime we would rather see continental nations (examples: the republic of north america, the european union, the united states of africa, ect) which would make ideas such as a one world language more conceivable, right now there are over 10,000 active languages, the most popular are english and spanish and chinese, english is taught in about 120 nations in public education. even though it is quite clear we are very close there is still a while till we are ready
They became popular at 2005
The most popular Boy's name was Michael, and the most popular girl's name was Lisa.
The most popular boy name was James, and the most popular girls name was Linda
Dark red was a very popular color.
Louisiana Is The 25th Most Popular State In Population.
The current politician that does, would be Ron Paul.
hi friends up to my knowledge Nandamuri Taraka RamaRao formarly a great Actor...... was the most popular politician in AndhraPradesh.....
Mike Huckabee
Football is the most popular sport in Louisiana.
Barry Goldwater
Jessy Ventura
Daniel Inouhe.
New Orleans