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I believe that is cotton.

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Q: What product made up more than half of all US exports from 1815 to 1860?
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How much is an 1860 silver half dollar worth?

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Please look at the date again, no U.S. half-cents are dated 1860. 1857 was the last year of issue.

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Only 4 different 1860 Liberty Seated Half Dollars. 3 business strikes and 1 proof.

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Nemaha Half-Breed Reservation was created in 1860.

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What is the value of an US 1860 half cent?

Check your coin again - half cents were last minted by the US Treasury in 1857. There were no half cents minted in the year of 1860. If you are referring to a British half penny coin, please check the related question below.

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