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Q: What river did France set up its first permanent colonies along?
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France set up its first permanent colonies along what river?

France set up its first permanent colonies along the St. Lawrence River and in Newfoundland.

France set up its first colonies along what river?

France set up its first permanent colonies along the St. Lawrence River and in Newfoundland.

France set up its first permanent colonies along the what river?


France set up its first permanent colonies along the river?

the Hudson river

What coast were the first American colonies founded on?

The first American colonies by Britain were founded along the east coast, the first permanent colony being Jamestown, Virginia.

What was the first permanent settlement in the colonies?

Jamestown in 1607

What is the first permanent settlement in the English colonies?


The first permanent french settlement in the new world?

The first permanent French settlement was in France.

What was the first permanent representative assembly in the English colonies?

George Washington

Where was the first permanent settlement in the middle colonies?

Pennsylvania,1682, by William Penn

How many american colonies were there in 1590?

Zero permanent ones. Jamestown, the first permanent american colony, was established in 1607

Where did the majority of new France colonists settle?

The majority of New France colonists settled along the Saint Lawrence River. The establishment of New France began with the founding of the first French permanent settlement near Quebec in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain.