No. Abraham Lincoln is dead.
It is a Diamond Tie.
A bow tie.
they say Abraham Lincoln had a stovepipe hat to keep important papers in side that is why in pictures you don't see a briefcase or something to caring his stuff its because he puts the stuff in his hat so he doesn't have to hold them.
I am almot positive this is not true because what if the hat were to blow off or fall off alos it would be a stupid thing to keep papers under a hat and plus Lincoln didnt wear his hat all to frequently inside his office. he kept important papers underneath his hat hey you misspelled words what grade r u in
Abraham Lincoln was known to wear size 14 shoes.
No. Abraham Lincoln is dead.
A 7.5
8 in men = 9.5 in women
He has shoe size 11
Wear 4 pairs of socks.
the shoe size is 11
she wear a size 10 shoe
He wore shoe size 15.
he wear a size 24
Well, if your shoe size is seven, then you can physically wear them. However, it is uncommon to have that shoe size at that age (it is possible though).
a a size 50 in men