phillis wheatly had 119990 kids there names: kid kid kid kdid kdiidkmkd dkjnjs
Phillis Wheatley
never talked about her parents even when she learned english. She refused to tell anyone anything about her parents do u know why and details
Phillis Wheatley died from an undisclosed illness. She died at the age of 31 on December 5, 1784 in Boston, MA.
the slave ship she went on was called phillis
yes phillis wheatly have kids she had a grils there name are Eliza , Mary , and George .
Phillis Wheatly made poems for George Washington and was the first Afican American poems to be pulihed
she wrote poems
Phillis Wheatly made poems for George Washington and was the first Afican American poems to be pulihed
phillis wheatly did die. she died on march1,1784
John Peters
Phyllis Wheatly wrote poems to support the Patriots
she died from stress of giving birth
She did not go to school.
phillis wheatly