

Best Answer
  • 1085, the Katedralskolan, Lund school of Sweden is established by Canute IV of Denmark

    * 1086, compilation of the Domesday Book by order of William I of England; it was similar to a modern day government census, as it was used by William to thoroughly document all the landholdings within the kingdom that could be properly taxed.

    * 1086, the Battle of az-Zallaqah between the Almoravids and Castilians

    * 1087, a new office at the Chinese international seaport of Quanzhou is established to handle and regulate taxes and tariffs on all mercantile transactions of foreign goods coming from Africa, Arabia, India, Sri Lanka, Persia, and South East Asia.

    * 1087, the Italian cities of Genoa and Pisa engage in the African Mahdia campaign

    * 1088, the renowned polymath Chinese scientist and official Shen Kuo made the world's first reference to the magnetic compass in his book Dream Pool Essays,[5][6] along with encyclopedic documentation and inquiry into scientific discoveries.

    * 1088, The University of Bologna is established.

    * 1088, Rebellion of 1088 against William II of England lead by Odo of Bayeux.

    * 1091, Normans from the Duchy of Normandy take control of Malta and surrounding islands.

    * 1091, the Byzantine Empire under Alexios I Komnenos and his Cuman allies defeat Pechenegs at the Battle of Levounion

    * 1093, Vikramaditya VI, ruler of the Western Chalukya Empire, defeats the army of Kulothunga Chola I in the Battle of Vengi.

    * 1093, when the Chinese Empress Dowager Gao dies, the conservative faction that had followed Sima Guang is ousted from court, the liberal reforms of Wang Anshi reinstated, and Emperor Zhezong of Song halted all negotiations with the Tanguts of the Western Xia, resuming in armed conflict with them.

    * 1093, the Kypchaks defeat princes of Kievan Rus at the Battle of the Stugna River

    * 1093, Battle of Alnwick: Malcolm III of Scotland is killed by the forces of William II of England.

    * 1094, the astronomical clock tower of Kaifeng, China-engineered by the official Su Song-is completed.

    * 1094, El Cid, the great Spanish hero, conquers the Muslim city of Valencia

    * 1094, a succession crisis following the reign of the Fatimid Caliph Ma'ad al-Mustansir Billah sparks a rebellion which leads to the split of Ismaili Shia into the new Nizari religious branch.

    * ca. 1095-1099, earliest extant manuscript of the Song of Roland

    * 1096, University of Oxford in England holds its first lectures

    * 1097, the Siege of Nicaea during the First Crusade

    * 1097, Diego Rodriguez, a son of El Cid, dies in the Battle of Consuegra, an Almoravid victory

    * 1098, the Siege of Antioch during the First Crusade

    * 1098, Pope Urban II makes an appearance at the Siege of Capua

    * 1098, the Dongpo Academy of Hainan, China is built in honor of the Song Dynasty

    Chinese official and poet Su Shi, who was exiled there for criticizing reforms of the New Policies Group.

    * 1098, the birth of Hildegard of Bingen, polymath

    * 1099, the Siege of Jerusalem by European Crusaders.

    * 1099, after the Kingdom of Jerusalem was established, the Al-Aqsa Mosque was made into the residential palace for the kings of Jerusalem.

    * 1099, after building considerable strength, David IV of Georgia discontinues tribute payments to the Seljuk Turks.

    * 1102, King Coloman unites Hungary and Croatia under the Hungarian Crown.

    * 1107-1111, Sigurd I of Norway becomes the first king in Europe to embark on a crusade to the Holy Land. He fought in Lisbon, various Mediterranean isles and helped the King of Jerusalem to take Sidon from the Muslims.

    * 1108, By the Treaty of Devol, Bohemond I of Antioch has to submit to the Byzantine Empire, becoming the vassal of Alexius I.

    * 1109, On June 10, Bertrand of Toulouse captures the County of Tripoli.

    * 1109, In the Battle of Naklo, Boleslaus III Wrymouth defeats the Pomeranians and re-establishes Polish access to the sea.

    * 1109, On August 24, in the Battle of Hundsfeld, Boleslaus III Wrymouth defeats Emperor Henry V and stops German expansion eastward.

    * 1110-1111, Henry VI's expedition to Rome to secure the imperial crown.

    * 1111. Morning of November 11: Had sufficiently accurate clocks existed, the time 11:11:11 on 11/11/1111 would have occurred. A comparable event will not occur until 2222 (22:22:22 on February 22).

    * 1116, The Byzantine army defeats the Turks at Philomelion.

    * c.1119, Foundation of the Knights Templar

    * c.1121, Battle of Didgori, the greatest military victory of Georgia. King David the Builder with 40,000 Georgians, 15,000 Kipchak auxiliaries, 500 Alan mercenaries and 300 French Crusaders defeated Seljuk led Muslim coalition army of 400 000.

    * 1121, On December 25, St. Norbert and 29 companions made their solemn vows, the beginning of the Premonstratensian Order.

    * 1122, Battle of Beroia results in the disappearance of the Pechenegs as an independent force.

    * 1122, On September 23, the Concordat of Worms was drawn up between Emperor Henry V and Pope Calixtus II.

    * 1123, The Jurchen dynasty forces Koryo to recognize their suzerainty.

    * 1125, On June 11, in the Battle of Azaz, the Crusader States, led by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, defeat the Seljuk Turks.

    * 1125, Lothair of Supplinburg, duke of Saxony, is elected Holy Roman Emperor instead of the nearest heir, Frederick of Swabia, beginning the great struggle of Guelf and Ghibelline.

    * 1127, The Northern Song dynasty loses power over Northern China to the Jurchens of Manchuria.

    * 1128, On June 24, Portugal gains independence from the kingdom of León at the Battle of São Mamede (recognised by León in 1143).

    * 1130-1180, Fifty-year drought in the American Southwest.

    * 1130-1138, Papal schism, Pope Innocent II vs. Antipope Anacletus II.

    * 1130, Sigurd I of Norway dies. A golden era of 95 years comes to an end for Norway as civil wars between the members of Harald Fairhair's family line rage for the remainder of the century.

    * 1130, On Christmas Day, Roger II is crowned King of Sicily, the royal title being given to him by the Antipope Anacletus II.

    * 1132, The Southern Song Dynasty establishes China's first permanent standing navy, although China had a long naval history prior. The main admiral's office was stationed at the port of Dinghai.

    * 1132-1183, the Chinese navy increases from a mere 3000 marine soldiers to 52,000 marine soldiers stationed in 20 different squadrons. Between this time, hundreds of treadmill-operated paddle wheel craft are assembled for the navy, in order to combat the Jurchen's Jin Dynasty in the north.

    * 1135-1154, The Anarchy is a period of civil war in England.

    * 1136, Suger begins rebuilding abbey church at St Denis north of Paris, which is regarded as the first major Gothic building.

    * 1137, On July 22, the future King Louis VII of France marries Eleanor, the Duchess of Aquitaine.

    * 1139, On July 5, Pope Innocent II confirms Roger II as King of Sicily in the Treaty of Mignano.

    * 1139, On July 26, the Portuguese defeat the Almoravids led by Ali ibn Yusuf in the Battle of Ourique; Prince Afonso Henriques is acclaimed King of Portugal by his soldiers.

    * 1139, the Second Lateran Council ends the papal schism.

    * 1140-1150, Collapse of the Ancestral Puebloan culture at Chaco Canyon

    * 1143, Afonso Henriques is proclaimed King of Portugal by the cortes.

    * 1144, On December 24, Edessa falls to the Atabeg Zengi.

    * 1145-1148, The Second Crusade is launched in response to the fall of the County of Edessa.

    * 1147, A new Berber dynasty, the Almohads, led by Emir Abd al-Mu'min, takes North Africa from the Almoravides and soon invades the Iberian Peninsula. The Almohads began as a religious movement to rid Islam of impurities.

    * 1147, The Wendish Crusade against the Polabian Slavs (or "Wends") of what is now northern and eastern Germany.

    * 1150, Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona marries Petronilla, the queen of Aragon.

    * 1154, the Moroccan-born Muslim geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi publishes his Geography.

    * 1155, Pope Adrian IV grants overlordship of Ireland to Henry II of England in the bull Laudabiliter.

    * 1158, Duke Vladislav II is rewarded with an hereditary crown by Frederick

    Barbarossa for his aid against the Italian cities.

    * 1161, the Song Dynasty Chinese navy, employing gunpowder bombs launched from trebuchets, defeat the enormous Jin Dynasty navy in the East China Sea in the Battle of Tangdao and on the Yangtze River in the Battle of Caishi.

    * 1161, Khilij Arslan IV, sultan of Rum, makes peace with the empire, recognizing the emperor's primacy.

    * 1162, Genghis Khan, founder of the Mongol Empire, born as Temüjin.

    * 1163, The Norwegian Law of Succession takes effect.

    * 1168, King Valdemar I of Denmark conquers Arkona on the Island of Rügen, the strongest pagan fortress and temple in Northern Europe.

    * 1169, start of the conquest of Ireland. Richard fitzGilbert de Clare ('Strongbow') makes an alliance with the exiled Irish chief, Dermot MacMurrough, to help him recover his kingdom of Leinster.

    * 1170, Thomas Becket is murdered.

    * 1171, Saladin deposes the last Fatimid Caliph Al-'Āḍid, initiating the Ayyubid dynasty.

    * 1171, On November 11, Henry II of England lands in Ireland to assert his claim of Lord of Ireland.

    * 1174, William I of Scotland, is captured in a raid by the English, accepts the feudal lordship of the English crown and does ceremonial allegiance at York.

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11y ago

One of the significant events that had taken place in the year 1023 is the founding of Abbadid dynasty by the Judge-Governor Of Seville in Europe. He took advantage of the disintegration of the Caliphate of Cordoba.

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11y ago

with cristes maesse what is happened year 1038 and then 1131

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11y ago

Henry the Pious or Henry the Lame was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and the spread of the General Perisis was spreading widely and claiming nearly one in four of it's victims.

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