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The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in the rebelling states (the confederacy) and did not free the slaves in the five border states.

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Q: What slaves did the emancipation free?
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The Emancipation proclamation did not free the slaves in which state?

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What was the emancipation proclamination?

it was to free slaves

What document set the slaves free?

The Emancipation Proclomation

Name of the document that free slaves?

The Emancipation Proclamation.

When was the emancipation proclimation issued?

That slaves were free!!!!!!!!!!

What were two effects of the emancipation?

Free slaves

Why did Lincoln issue the emancipation do?

To Free the Slaves

What were effects of Emancipation Proclamation?

Free slaves

Emancipation of Proclamation?

When Lincoln was president, the Emancipation Proclamation was to free all of the slaves in the Confederacy. :)

Did the emancipation proclamation free slaves in the union?

It only freed slaves in the Confederacy.

What was emancipation proclamation intended to do?

The emancipation proclamation was intended to free all slaves in the South.