Which former Confederate state had the most blacks holding office during Reconstruction
what government rule allowed state to buy land they had claimed to the west
New iersey
Property laws, for both real estate and personal property, are state laws, so this depended on the state. Some states, such as Illinois, were supposedly "whites only" by state law, with no black person legally allowed within the borders of the state. But, generally, in states without such restrictions on black residency, free blacks would have the same property rights as anyone else - just a much harder time enforcing those right in court, if that became necessary. Some free blacks were actually slave owners themselves. Every southern state had a substantial population of free blacks, many of whom owned their own farms or businesses, and their homes. For slaves the situation was different - as they were themselves property, whether they could own anything would depend on the degree of personal freedom allowed by their owner. I have never heard of a slave who owned land, but it may have been theoretically posible. Some slaves had valuable skills, in building trades, for instance. Some masters allowed these workmen to sell their services to others when they weren't needed about the master's business. And while some masters rented out their slaves and pocketed the money they earned, others allowed the slave to keep all or part of his earnings, and some were able eventually to buy their own freedom.
North Carolina
That depends on the state that you live in.
California is called the Bear Flag Republic.
State administration was often weak.
Prejudice and racism existed beyond the Civil War. Loopholes in national, state and city laws allowed for discrimination against blacks. The North was more tolerant of blacks, so many left for job opportunities and a better life.
They were different from state to state. In general, they instituted segregation of public facilities, and restricted a freedman's status as a free laborer. At the same time they allowed blacks to marry and own property.
It had state gods but allowed other religions.
Apparently, New Jersey allowed women, free black citizens, and even non-citizens voting rights that met property requirements, requirements that were pretty low at the time as far back as 1776. Early America allowed for states to have more power than the federal government.
A republic state is a state that relies on their citizens to vote who they want to vote for like the elections we have. We are a republic state.
It allowed suffrage of freed blacks and finally brought more unity between the eastern and west region of the state
Pennsylvania was the first state to outlaw the importation of blacks for slavery in 1682.