Joseph Stalin rose through the ranks of the Bolshevik Party by writing Marxist editorials and articles for the Bolshevik newspapers. He also helped finance Bolshevik activities by making "expropriations" of funds (bank robberies).
He was in exile in Siberia when the Tsar abdicated so he got back to Petrograd as quickly as he could. Lenin came to value his dedication to the cause and willingness to do whatever was needed to further it. He was not very involved in the actual coup that was the October Bolshevik Revolution, but afterwards he was given positions of importance in the Bolshevik Party.
Lenin made him Peoples' Commissar for Nationalities, which allowed him access to all of the various republics that later became the Soviet Union. Lenin also made him the first General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. This gave Stalin his first real power because he was able to appoint people who were loyal and beholding to him to positions of importance in the government and Communist Party.
When Lenin was disabled by strokes in 1922 -1924, Stalin teamed up with Grigori Zinoviev and Lev Kaminaev to both run the country and to eliminate Leon Trotsky, whom Lenin had chosen to succeed him. Once Trotsky was eliminated as a rival for power, Stalin allied himself with Nikolai Bukharin and eliminated both Zinoviev and Kamenev from the party. Once it was just Stalin and Bukharin, it was no problem to eliminate Bukharin since Bukharin had few supporters in important positions. Stalin pretty much had control of the Politburo of the Central Committee and soon had Bukharin expelled from the party. Stalin made very effective use of the secret police to bring false charges and intimidate others that held important positions, like Zinoviev, Kamenev and Bukharin.
Stalin was still answerable to the Central Committee and could have been voted out by it, but he bided his time until he had all five spots on the Politburo filled with his cronies. Once that was done and had full control of the secret police, he became the dictator he is remembered as today.
first he banged the guards wife then he went to jail and then he told pharoe his dreams and that he is screwed.
The high literacy rate helped to draw the separate colonies together by enabling them to learn about the way that each colony did things. They were able to learn to do these things themselves as well.
The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
new england(top), central(middle), and southern(bottom) I think...
A Bildungsroman would most likely engage the attention of high school students and university students. They would have things in common with the novel's protagonist.
They played a sort of ball game against nearby tribes to settle things. They had to get a small ball in to a really high basket. They couldn't touch the ball with their hands.
Throttle position sensor bad, throttle butterfly stuck, severe vacuum leak. Check those three things.
Joseph High has written: 'My high line'
Joseph from the book of Genesis in the Bible. It was a dream interpretation for the Pharoah, and launched Joseph into the high position of leadership where his long-lost-betraying brothers would soon find him.
Joseph Addai, popular Indianapolis Colts and New England Patriots running back, started playing football in high school. He originally played the quarterback position.
Joseph Madison High was born in 1855.
Joseph Madison High died in 1906.
Joseph Gregori High School was created in 2010.
Joseph Eastham High School ended in 2001.
Joseph A. Craig High School was created in 1954.
Joseph Eastham High School was created in 1961.
Joseph A. Foran High School was created in 1973.
Joseph Wheeler High School was created in 1965.