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Q: What tools did the nootka tribe used for weapons?
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What tools and weapons did the tribe used?

they are many ntypes ofnweapons they used

What are the tools that the chilula tribe has?

Chilula tribes used bow and arrows as weapons

What did nootka Indians use to build houses?

tehy used tools

What kind of tools did nootka use?

they used wooden tools for hard bones and building houses and fighting

What weapons did the nootka use during wars?

The Nootka is the name given to Aboriginal people who live along the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island in Canada. Some of the weapons that they used during wars include the stone hammer, elbow axe, drill, and chisel.

Navajo weapons and tools?

The Navajo tribe used spears and bow and arrows for weapons.

What weapons or tools did the Menominee tribe use?

menominee hunters and warriors used bows and arrows,clubs,stone axes, and menominee fishermen used spears and nets.

Who used the tools in the seminole tribe?

Only the leader used the tools in the tribe, because he held all the power.

What weapons did the micmac use?

the mi'kmaq tribe used spears for weapons

What the bannock tribe used for weapons?

cats and dogs

What kind of weapons or tools did yurok tribe use?

They used spears, nets, wooden clups, knives, and daggers.