Turnpikes and canals, but not railroads yet (RRs were developed after 1830)
The transcontinental railroad opened the United States for travel and settlement in a way that no other transportation system was able to accomplish. This railroad allowed people and products to be moved from one end of the country to the other.
The tallest bridge in New York is the Williamsburg Bridge. It opened in December 1903 for public transportation. It cost about $12,000,000 to construct which was a very great amount at the time.
it opened the Northwest Territory for u.s. settlement
The Sante Fe and Oregon opened the American West by finding the best trails to California and Oregon. The Sante Fe Trail became a very important cattle trail. The Oregon Trail was populated by farmers for the most part.
Opened public elementary schools~apex
turnpikes and canals.
the war was what opened Kentucky to settlement.
the battle that opened the Ohio Territory to the white settlement is the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
Millions of acres of southern land opened up for settlement .
Wilderness Road
The railroad became the primary mode of transportation
The Erie Canal opened in 1825. It connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, facilitating transportation and trade between the east coast and the Midwest.
all christians faith
The Lewis and Clark expedition opened up the West for settlement. :]
The transcontinental railroad opened the United States for travel and settlement in a way that no other transportation system was able to accomplish. This railroad allowed people and products to be moved from one end of the country to the other.
Lillian Wald
Bacon's Rebellion