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Q: What tribe was sacajuwea in?
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Who went on the Lewis and Clark journey?


How do you spell sacajuwea?

The correct spelling is Sacagawea. She was a Shoshone woman who accompanied the Lewis and Clark expedition.

What Indian tribe live in Mississippi?

the Biloxi tribe,the Chicksaw tribe,Chactaw tribe,the Houma tribe,Natchez tribe,Ofo tribe,Quapaw tribe,and the Tunica tribe

What Indian groups lived near the pacific coast?

These following tribes are from the pacific northwest: Alsea Tribe Bella Bella Tribe Bella Coola Tribe Chehalis Tribe Clatskanie Tribe Comox Tribe Cowlitz Tribe Haida Tribe Haisla Tribe Heiltsuk TribeKlallam Tribe Kwakiutl Tribe Makah Tribe Nisga-Gitksan Tribe Nooksack Tribe Nootka Tribe Pentlatch Tribe Puget Sound Salish Tribes Nisqually, Muckleshoot, Suquamish, Skagit, Swinomish Quileute Tribe Quinault Tribe Siuslaw Tribe Straits Salish Tribes Saanich, Samish, Lummi, Songish, Sooke Takelma Tribe Tillamook Tribe Tlingit Tribe Tsimshian Tribe Tututni Tribe Twana Tribe Umpqua Tribe

Who are all the 2009 bionicles?

The 2009 Bionicles are as follows:AgoriFire Tribe: RaanuWater Tribe: BerixJungle Tribe: TardukIce Tribe: MetusRock Tribe: AttakusSand Tribe: ZeskGlatorianFire Tribe: MalumWater Tribe: TarixJungle Tribe: GreshIce Tribe: StrakkRock Tribe: SkrallSand Tribe: VoroxGlatorian LegendsFire Tribe: AckarWater Tribe: KiinaJungle Tribe: VastusIce Tribe: GeluRock Tribe: StroniusOther: Mata NuiVehicles/CreaturesSkopio XV-1Baranus V5Kaxium V3Cendox V1Thornatus V9WarriorsToa Mata NuiTuma

What tribe was big bear from?

The tribe is the Quakoma tribe

What two tribes still use the Mayan numeral system?

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What is wagabu tribe?

apelike Wagabu tribe raid the Neanderthal Ulam tribe

What is a famous South African tribe?

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Is Kiowa an Indian country or tribe?


What part of speech is tribe?

"tribe" is a noun.

You the Comanche tribe a nomadic tribe?

The Comanche tribe was a nomadic tribe, they lived in tipis and moved around.