the kato Indians wore skirts and silk tops
they specifically have to eat out your mom with a side order of dog poo.
the Comanche Indians eat buffalo,berries,peanuts.
The Paleo-Indians lived in temporary houses. Their homes were often pits or brush covered with hides or bark. They needed easy homes because they moved around so much. They spent most of their time finding food such a wild berries and plants. they also hunted game. They moved where ever the herds went. They basically had families and searched for food. They later migrated to Europe, Central Asia, and Western Alaska. Some people say that they were before or during the ice age. nobody really knows for sure. I hope I answered your Question for you.
What type of food Mattole tribe eats
i have no clue
they would eat things such as deer
Fruit Custard Delite and Kerda
grass, deer,raccon,squirl
since they were vegiterians they mostly ate that but when they found meat they would eat it
Food like rabbit,elk,stew mostly animals
acorns 'fish .dear rabits'.
what did the kootinai Indians eat for food
The Anasazi Indians ate several types of food. They would grow squash, maize, and other vegetables. The men would hunt small game such as rabbits for the tribe to eat.