they lived in southern california
You must be from the tribe of the designated reservation or invited by that tribe to live there by marriage freindship etc.
the Pueblo Indians lived in the adobe houses. Each Pueblo tribe is named for the pueblo it lives in. Some are Zuni, Laguna, Acoma, Tewa, Tiwa and Towa. There are many others. Hopi people also live in adobe houses.
the wendats are a native tribe wendats is french. The wendats live in very long houses made of wood and in the summer or while they are building the houses.
in long houses
The home was called "Asi" (Wattle / Daub houses).
I am a seventh grader and we were studying this back in the second six weeks. I found out that the Jumano Indian tribe lived in adobe houses in the mountains and basins region.
The Hopi tribe lived in adobe houses
The Siouan Indians live in the region from Virginia to Florida and depended on the land to make clothes houses and other important things.
they live in houses that the women make. so sticks, and hay.
the Hali tribe live in woven twigs and stick houses
they live in long and dark lodges.
They live in houses called adobes.