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slave states

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Q: What type of state did Texas enter united state as free or slave?
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In the immediate aftermath of the successful Texas revolution?

Texas joined the united states as a slave state

Was Texas a slave state?

Yes, Texas was a slave state.

Why did the US not want to admit Texas to the union?

It would have to enter as a slave state. And they didn't want a war with Texas and Mexico.

Was Texas a free state or slave state?

Texas was a slave state and not a free state. Quoting Wikipedia - "A slave state, Texas declared its secession from the United States in early 1861, joining the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War."

Was Texas the forty-sixth state to enter the United States?

no, that was Oklahoma

What were advantages for Texas becoming a state?

expand the united states. add a slave state to the south and helped pay off the Texas debt

When was Texas part of the united states union?

Texas joined the Union in 1845, the only state to enter the US by treaty.

Why did Texas not join the US after San Jacinto?

Texas wanted to join the United States and the citizens also wanted Texas as a new state, but President Jackson refused because Texas was a slave state. Adding a slave state would upset the fragile balance of the free and slave states. Also, Mexico didn't fully consider Texas to be independent from them and if the United States took over Mexico, then that might cause war which Jackson did not want. Information from Holt California Social Studies - United States History: Independence to 1914

What is the definition of texas annexation?

After Texas gaining their independence from Mexico. Texas asked the US to annex them thus entering the union as a slave state.

Did Iowa entered the Union as a slave state?

Texas did enter the Union as a slave state. This is why it took so long between the time the Union told Texas they could become a state and the time Texas actually became a state. The debate went on about this in Congress for four years.

What are the advantages of Texas being 5 states?

There cannot be any advantages, as Texas is only one state.

Did Texas want to join the U.S. as a free state or slave state?

no it was slave free