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she was the first African American to be appointed

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Q: What was Constance Baker Motely's greatest accomplishment?
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What is constance baker mitey's greates accomplishment?

Constance Baker Motley's greatest accomplishment was becoming the first African American woman to serve as a federal judge. She was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in 1966. Motley also played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement as a lawyer, winning numerous important cases that helped dismantle segregation and advance civil rights in the United States.

When was Constance Baker Motley born?

September 14,1921 in haven Connecticut u.s

Who was constance baker motley married to?

She's married to Joel Wilson Motley Jr.

What are the release dates for Justice Is a Black Woman The Life and Work of Constance Baker Motley - 2012 TV?

Justice Is a Black Woman The Life and Work of Constance Baker Motley - 2012 TV was released on: USA: 26 February 2012

What was constance baker motley greatest accomplish?

she has three very great accomplishments the first was becoming the first AA female juge the next is being the 1st AA NY senate and the first AA female to becom president of Manhattan borough

What accomplishment josephine baker did?

She was an African American dancer and singer in the mid 1930's. She was a world-famous performer and was involved with the Civil Rights Movement.

What is the greatest time difference between two points on Earth?

The greatest time difference between two points on Earth is 26 hours. This occurs between the Baker and Howland Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

What actors and actresses appeared in God Fly - 2009?

The cast of God Fly - 2009 includes: Irakli Dolidze as Joe Club Noa Dori as India Gene Gabbard as Homeless Man Michael Harrison Baker as Indio Jarde Jacobs as Rev. Gary Matthews Ashley Nicole Greene as Young Constance Kingslee Purcell as Sesen Julia Sergeon as Constance Blake Shane Woodson as Dazzle David

Who was Ryan baker?

The greatest man who ever lived he is from Westminster, MD and Was born in 1994 and has blonde hair he is kinda chubby but very handsome. He is simply amazing.

When was John Baker - Baker Brook - born?

John Baker - Baker Brook - was born in 1796.

When was Richard Baker Wingfield-Baker born?

Richard Baker Wingfield-Baker was born in 1802.

The first baker?

What do you mean by baker, like the first cake baker? The first bread baker? the first world renound baker? No one knows the actual first baker?