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Ranchers and Farmers fought over land control.

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Vicenta Nienow

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3y ago

Ranchers and Farmers fought over land

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What was the cause for range wars?

rangers and farmers fought over the control of land

Was a cause of a range wars?

Ranchers and Farmers fought over land control.

What was cause of range wars?

Ranchers and farmers fought over control of land

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What was the cause of range wars.?

Barbwire was the main cause. Before barbwire was introduced to the range cattle ran free, but after it was put up range wars started between the people who had it and those who opposed it. It kept cattle from water sources and grazing lands. Big ranches were developed by eastern companies and local ranchers felt they were loosing land, resources, and ability to get cattle to market.

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Who were involve in range wars?

ranchers and farmers

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The cast of The New Range Wars - 1991 includes: Peter Coyote as Himself - Host

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Man of wars range from 1 ft to 3 ft wide.

What do wars do?

wars cause millions of people to die and territory loss or gain.

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cause it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!