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Slavery is guaranteed by the Constitution. Slavery existed in all the other major world powers. Slavery was a necessary evil that would die out gradually

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12y ago

That slavery was better than the uncertainties African Americans faced

It was ordained in The Bible

African Americans were inferior to Whites


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4y ago

Like most in that era keeping another race down served their wealth

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Q: What was not an argument used by Southern White intellectuals to justify slavery by the 1850's?
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What was argument used to try to justify slavery?

All of the above

What argument used to justify slavery appealed to peoples beliefs?

slavery was mentioned in The Bible

What argument used to justify slavery also served the question the fairness of Northerners?

slaves had better lives than many free factory workers.

What argument used to justify slavery appealed to people's religious belief?

Slavery was mentioned in the bible.

What was One of the arguments used by southern slave holders to justify the institution of slavery?

One argument used by southern slave holders to justify slavery was the belief that African Americans were inferior and needed to be controlled and guided by whites for their own good. They also argued that slavery was essential for the economic prosperity of the southern states, as it provided a cheap source of labor for plantations.

What argument was used to justify slavery?

One argument used to justify slavery was the belief in the superiority of certain races over others. This belief was often supported by pseudo-scientific theories that claimed that certain races were naturally suited for slavery. Additionally, economic interests and the need for cheap labor were also used to justify the practice of slavery.

What was one of the arguments used by southern slaveholders to justify the instituton of slavery?

One argument used by southern slaveholders to justify slavery was that it was necessary for the economy to thrive, as it provided cheap labor that boosted agricultural production and profitability. They also argued that slaves were intellectually inferior and needed the guidance of white slaveholders for their own well-being.

What was one of the arguments used by southern slaveholder to justify the institution of slavery?

it was critical for the south's agricultural economy.

What argument was used by slaveholders to justify the institution of slavery?

it was critical for the south's agricultural economy.

What argument used to justify appealed to peoples religious beliefs?

slavery was mentioned in The Bible

What argument used to justify slavery also to serve the question of fairness of northerners?

slaves had better lives than many free factory workers.

What argument used to justify slavery also served to question the fairness of notherners?

The argument used to justify slavery was that it was necessary for the economy and plantation owners relied on slave labor. This argument also served to question the fairness of northerners who benefitted from the goods produced by slave labor in the South, leading to debates about complicity in the institution of slavery.