Forming organizations and plantations to support on another.
Forming organizations to help one another
The African-Americans tried to escape from the South because the South had slave states. They tried to get to the North because those were free states.
The white settlers felt more superior to the Native Americans and tried to suppress them.
Slaves weren't bought, they were stolen, killed, and taken. They had no choice in the matter. Colonists from America tried to enslave Indians, but the Indians knew the land to well, and ran away. African Americans had no place to go!
Forming organizations to help one another
Forming organizations and plantations to support on another.
Forming organizations to help one another
Forming organizations to help one another
Forming organizations to help one another
Forming organizations and plantations to support on another.
The African-Americans tried to escape from the South because the South had slave states. They tried to get to the North because those were free states.
William Randolph Hearst
Forming organizations to help one another
The Ku Klux Klan limited the rights of African Americans by killing them. The clan also tried to force them back into slavery.
Ku Klux Klan