Slaves were used for every position available to any working person. They managed households for their masters worked as engineers designing equipment and making several new inventions. They took care of the Masters children, the terms of endearment of Uncle and Aunt were often given them many white children grew up in the South thinking of these slaves as family. There is a photograph of Jefferson Davis's children with one of his house slaves; standing beside him with the smallest little girl sitting in his lap just about asleep.
Of course the also did manual labor working on farms and building things. The only actual slavery issue the people running the Civil War in the north was the desire of the freeed slaves migrating north so they could be used as underpaid workers to replace the white workers in factories.
Something not mentioned about slavery in the South at the time of the attack on the South opening the war, is the fact that slavery was in the process of being phased out. The debate was on how to release the people held as slaves. There were the usual people who just wanted to turn them loose and those who wanted to ship them back to Africa, to the country of Liberia, but most people wanted to implement an education system to teach those who did not know how to read write and do math so they would succeed on their own.
Roman slaves were used for mine work, agricultural labor, household care, tutoring, and military services.
The females were used in the households taking care of the children and the households and the males were used in the open fields working the farms. even though some female slaves were used for that purpose.
Slaves were owned by anyone who could afford one. Slaves were owned to work on palntation, they were used at home as servants, in armies as soldiers, house guards, females were used to be raped sometimes, they were used by home owners to work and bring back wages to owners. whatever the reason was, slaves were mostly used for economic reasons
peg leg joe helped the slaves to freedom by teaching slaves the song"Follow the Drinkking Gourd". the song had coded instructions in the song that slaves used to go to fredom.
In the south, slaves were used mainly for farming. The southern colonies' staple crop was rice. The middle colonies' staple crop was tobacco.
I have no clue, i think got slaves to do the work
Slaves did manual labor and sometimes were responsible for artistic works.
Europeans used slaves to develop land as laborers.
To what extent were Indians used as slaves by the english
It was manly the south that had slaves.
no doubt slaves were used
Sargon used slaves as much as possible!
they used slaves on Caribbean sugar plantations
by there but
about how many slaves used the underground railroad, which was about 100,000.
Slaves were not used to build pyramids, they used a paid workforce.
Portuguese colonizers used slaves for labor in various industries such as agriculture, mining, and domestic service. Slaves were also used in constructing buildings, roads, and fortifications in Portuguese colonies. Additionally, some slaves were used for the transatlantic slave trade.
No. The Slavic people were first used as slaves. The word "slave" derives from the name "Slavic".