land belonged to everyone
The First Nation's People of Canada felt that no individual owned the land and that humans were all an equally of part of it. Although they demonstrated territorial claims, this was due to the fact that they felt that their ancestral spirits dwelled in these parts.Conversely, the European view was that land could be owned, bought and sold.
Native Americans cultures use stories to teach moral lessons & convey practical info about the natural world. American Indian oral tradition also reflects a view of the natural world that is more inclusive than that of Western lit.
Most White men believed that the Red man didn't make use of the land properly. The Red man did not develope the land into farms, ranches, homes, cities and factories. Therefore, the White man wanted the land, during his immigration westward.
diverse cultures view the American Dream as an great opportunity for them to get better in life.
land belonged to everyone
land belonged to everyone.
Answer this question… He is proud of his American Indian heritage but also respects other points of view.
An Indian might be scared or angry from the newcommers.
Concepts varied from tribe to tribe, but most did not view land as a commodity that could be bought and sold.
The Apex Museum is located in Atlanta, Georgia. The tag line reads 'An African American Panoramic Experience'. View the exhibits at their web site, see link.
The the empire Aztecs kill the Maya people in the early north amerivan .
yes. Im an indian.....from my point of view the grassis greener on the other side
The Native American view was opposite of the Europeans. Land was to be taken care of, but not owned. The Native American tribes farmed the forests and only took what they needed to live. While the Europeans cut down forest lands, brought in foreign animals, introduced insects and plants not native to the environment. The European honey bee was the most destructive of all and destroyed native crops and plants.
The First Nation's People of Canada felt that no individual owned the land and that humans were all an equally of part of it. Although they demonstrated territorial claims, this was due to the fact that they felt that their ancestral spirits dwelled in these parts.Conversely, the European view was that land could be owned, bought and sold.
Indian standard for slifrom shuttering & concreting.