The most famous policy the federal government implemented was the Indian Removal Act of 1830 under president Andrew Jackson. This allowed for the government to remove Indians from their land and enforced by the military.
to move them to specific lands
to move them to specific lands
The termination policy meant that state governments would become responsible for overseeing Native American reservation land.
state goverments
Native American population levels reached their lowest levels as a result of the allotment policy.
To move them to specific lands
to move them to specific lands
To move them to specific lands
To move them to specific lands
To move them to specific lands
to move them to specific lands
to move them to specific lands
to move them to specific lands
The termination policy meant that state governments would become responsible for overseeing Native American reservation land.
To move them to specific lands
At first it was to make deals and treaties with them, but they kept breaking those deals, and eventually they just wanted to move them to specific lands, away from where other settlers wanted to go so that their original lush and rich lands could be given to colonists.
The government's policy of assimilation of the Native Americans was a failure because the government wanted to eliminate them. The government wanted the Native Americans to remain powerless.