The Anti-Masonic Party was founded in 1828 in upstate New York, capitalizing on the negative sentiment towards Freemasons after William Morgan, a Mason himself, was kidnapped and supposed dead because he attempted to publish information on Masonic secrets. The party introduced the concept of nominating committees in 1831, nominating former Attorney General William Wirt to run for president. He did not win the election the following year, and ironically split the opposition against Andrew Jackson, aiding his victory. Andrew Jackson was a primary enemy of the Anti-Masonic Party.
The Anti-Masonic Party's platform was stated as the removal of Freemasons from any position of authority in society. The humorous part of that (at least to me) is that William Wirt, former Attorney General of the United States and Anti-Masonic Presidential Candidate, was himself a Freemason.
In 1830 in the US there appeared the world's first political party dedicated to abolish secrecy in US government affairs. The party believed that secrecy was corroding the very fabric of the nation and was destroying trust between politics, government and private business. One issue that the party believed to be corrosive were documents, kept secret, by the US concerning the War of 1812.
They went to partys and had a good time.
Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 with a platform against slavery in the territories but for tariffs a transcontinental railroad and a Homestead Act.
It helped speed up the process of raking and cutting grain from the platform.
Personally in a nutshell, it was telling everyone that succession was wrong and the south needed to come to their senses. let the slaves go and go back to being a union
Anyone can become a member of the American Patriot Party. One just has to support the party platform, and agree on the issues.
A party's platform is best understood as a negotiated agreement between the party's various factions.
A party's platform contains its philosophy, principles, and policy positions.
In the theory the platform states the goals of the party and what its candidates will try to get done if they are elected. In practice, most candidates set their own agenda and the party platform is either ignored or else is so vague that almost anything satisfies it.
by receiving 10 percent of the vote it was clear its anitslavery platform had captured Americans attention
The general statements of a political party's philosophy and calls is called the party platform. The planks, or individual issues, serve as a means of drawing particular demographics that agree with their platform to join and support the party.
Because they are retarded. People do bad things on the partys. And because of the partys I got kicked off of there. I officialy hate!
2 weeks if both partys agree
Girl teen : shopping , boys, partys Boy teen: girls , gym, partys
John Carpenter Palmer has written: 'The Morgan affair and anti-masonry' -- subject(s): Antimasonic Party