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The southern states feared the ascension of the Lincoln Administration to office would result in further loss of states' rights, which in turn would eventually result in the abolition of slavery.

Lincoln's election as President was the last straw for many southern states, which led to their succession from the Union and the formation of the Confederate States of America.

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13y ago

Southerners felt that Lincoln would oppose slavery in new states, attempt to end slavery where it already existed, and oppose any attempt by a State to secede over any state in the country.

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12y ago

I'm pretty sure the main reason was Lincoln wanted to abolish (get rid of) slavery. Slaves were used in the south to pick cotton. So the south was opposed to Lincoln.

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Q: What was the chief reason for the opposition of the south to the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860?
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What was Abraham Lincoln's social change?

Abraham Lincoln changed millions of people's lives while president. The most obvious being that he was a major reason African Americans were freed from slavery due to his emancipation proclamation enacted during the American Civil War.

Was Abraham Lincoln black or white?

Abraham Lincoln was white and even showed hatred for blacks, it is excepted as fact that the only reason for him freeing the blacks was in hope of revolt in the southern states, similar to the Haitian revolution. "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery." Abraham Lincoln

What was the immediate reason for the secession of the southern states?

The election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860. The South knew that he would never allow any new slave-states. So the South would always be out-voted in Congress.

What is Abraham Lincoln favorite color?

red -no. Abraham Lincoln was color blind -actually Abraham Lincoln wasn't color blind. Despite popular belief, recent studies have shown that even through examining several primary resources, there is no good reason to believe Abraham Lincoln was ever color blind. It is true that he did suffer from bad eyesight (the medical term for it is hyperphoria), but as far as we know Lincoln was never color blind.

What was the reason they fought the US Civil War?

Five reasons for the Civil War:Social and economic differences between the North and SouthStates' rights versus federal rightsThe fight between slave state proponents and non-slave state proponentsGrowth of the Abolition movementThe election of Abraham Lincoln as presidentTo preserve the Union.

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What main reason Southerners opposed the election of Abraham Lincoln was?

The main reason that Southerners opposed the election of Abraham Lincoln was his opposition to the expansion of slavery.

Which of the following was an important reason Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860?

There was a divided field of four candidates

What are the three reason of civil war?

one is slavery two is the election of Abraham Lincoln and three is the rights of the southern states.

Why is Abraham Lincoln famous in Kentucky?

Yes, Abe Lincoln was famous because he was.

Why did Abraham Lincoln not hate the slave owners?

Because he had no reason to. Lincoln was a slave owner himself

What were Lincoln's reasons for wanting to keep slavery out of the territories?

The basic reason behind the efforts of Abraham Lincoln to root out slavery was to strengthen democracy.

What was Abraham Lincoln's social change?

Abraham Lincoln changed millions of people's lives while president. The most obvious being that he was a major reason African Americans were freed from slavery due to his emancipation proclamation enacted during the American Civil War.

What was the main reason that President Lincoln chose Simon Cameron as his secretary of war?

As a senator from Pennsylvania, Simon Cameron supported Abraham Lincoln's nomination as the Republican candidate to the US presidency. He was important in winning Pennsylvania for the Republicans in the 1860 presidential election.

Where did the southern states decided to secede?

The disagreement about whether or not it was ok to keep slaves is the reason the South seceded formally from the Union of States. The Civil War began because the South wanted to keep their slaves, but the North was trying to do away with the practice.

Was Abraham Lincoln black or white?

Abraham Lincoln was white and even showed hatred for blacks, it is excepted as fact that the only reason for him freeing the blacks was in hope of revolt in the southern states, similar to the Haitian revolution. "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery." Abraham Lincoln

Why did the confererat state want to romove Lincoln from office?

The biggest reason is that Abraham Lincoln was against slavery, and the confederate states were for it.

What was one reason the election of Abraham Lincoln as the US president further divided the North and the South?

Although before and after his election, Abraham Lincoln wanted no armed conflicts or a civil war between the North and the South. He tried his best to assure the South he would allow them slavery if they wished. based on the membership of the Republican Party, a party that was created to abolish slavery, the South believed that a Republican US president was going to harm their way of life.