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mild and rainfall plentiful

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Q: What was the climate for the Kwakiutl Indians?
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What is the climate of the kwakiutl Indians?

none of your biss

Which American Indians lived in a rainy and mild climate?


What was the Kwakiutl Indians climate like like?

the climate was very mild with lots of rain.

What type of climate did Kwakiutl Indians lived in?

Very little rainfall

What is the Kwakiutl's climate like?

has a mild, raining climate

What did the kwakiutl Indians play?

they raced

What is the climate of the Kwakiutl like?


What do Kwakiutl Indians eat?

Kwakiutl Indians eat fish, deer, and moose. They lived on the pacific northwest coast. They also eat crops

Are there any famous kwakiutl Indians?


What was the food like for Kwakiutl Indians?

They catch it

What was the environment like for the kwakiutl Indians?

i was warm

What are Kwakiutl Indians known for?

known for pemmican