False. The Spanish had the first settlement. It is Saint Augustine.
First English settlement is Jamestown located in Virginia.
St. Augustine, Florida; a Spanish settlement.
the first permanent european settlement in the present-day us is Alaska
The first permanent settlement by Europeans on North American was St. Augustine, FL in 1565. The first English settlement was Jamestown, VA in 1607.
The Europeans settled the first permanent settlement in Colorado in the San Luis Valley. It was settled in 1851 and is the oldest continuous settlement.
The first Europeans to settle in Canada were probably the Vikings, or Norse. They arrived around a.d 1000. Norse settlement of North America either failed or was abounded.
False. The Spanish had the first settlement. It is Saint Augustine.
The first known Europeans to reach the Americas were the Vikings (Norse) during the 11th century, who established several colonies in Greenland.
the first permanent settlement was South Carolina.
the first permanent settlement was South Carolina.
The first permanent settlement in the United States by the European settlers that still exists, is St.Augustine.
First English settlement is Jamestown located in Virginia.
the first settlement of Texas is by ador
the first permanent european settlement in the present-day us is Alaska
The first permanent French settlement was in France.