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Alvera Stehr

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National Grange

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Q: What was the first sizable political organization formed by united state farmers?
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What was the sizable political organization formed by US farmers?

National Grange

What was the first sizable political organization formed by US farmers?

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What was the first sizable political organization formed by the US farmers?

National Grange

The was the first sizable political organization formed by US farmers?

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What was the first sizable political organization formed by US farmers.?

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The was the first sizable political organization formed by US farmers.?

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Who was the first sizable political organization formed by US farmers?

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What was the first sizable politics organization formed by the US farmers?

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What was the first sizable political organization formed by the US?

National Grange

What was the first sizable political organization formed by US farmer?

National Grange